GUFI acquistion procedure
Teast Beam procedure
New procedure to launch a trigger match acquisition with triggers from test beam from scratch. A list of the main problems and the possible solutions can be found at the end of the list.
0. Check on Desktop 2 if GUFI Online Monitor is open. If is not, click on the icon on the desktop.
1. if closed, Click on GUFI icon in the desktop of the DAQ PC (check whether there are other terminal with open and close them)
2. Select, by single clicking on the respective icon, which GEMROCs to acquire (ROC0 and ROC1). If ok, the light should turn green. It may take few seconds to activate.
3. Press the "FEB Power On" button to power on the FEBs
4. Mark as flagged the "use equalized thr" button (this will allow to operate with the threshold equalized to a certain rate)
5. Press the "fast configuration" button; this will
- Set all the channels in trigger mode 0 (ready to acquire)
- Set the threshold with the desired threshold configuration
- If any, disable too noisy channels
- Set the pause
5bis. Check the terminal to see that all the FEBs have been properly configured. if there are errors, the terminal will report which TIGERs Channels/FEBs have issues. The operation is over if 5 "Synch reset to all" appear in the terminal. Message "Fast consiguration done" appear in the GUFI main window.
5ter. If there is the need of change the threshold, check on the guide (information are presented later).
6. Check the communication status
6a. Move to the tab "operations"
6b. Open the communication window by clicking on the button "open communication error interface"
6c. Press the button "Acquire errors since last sync
6d. check that the counters return zero errors. If there are no errors, close the window.
7. Open the Run controller by pressing the "run controller" button in the "Selection" tab
8. For a new run, open a new run folder by clicking on the "New run folder" button. Check that the Folder number increases
9. Set the desired number of events per run and per subrun (notice the x 1000 remark for both the fields). The run will have "Event Run numbers" of events and each subrun will have "Events subrun" number of events.
10. Wait for the spill to be over to set the pause, by pressing the "Set Pause mode to all" in Operations tab
11. In any moment after the pause, start the run by pressing the Start Acquisition button
12. Check on the terminal if any error appears. The terminal will say "Finished saving data from GEMROC *" with the set number of events
13. Stop Acquisition when the set number of events is reached. This will automatically start the analysis.
It is necessary to check the status of the run by looking at the "Data visualizer" open in the Firefox tab and select the proper run. It may be necessary to refresh the page. Check the "Charge vs time", "strip X", "Strip Y" plots. To open a plot, after you have selected the histogram from the scroll window, press "plot" button. They shall be filled.
The procedure to acquire if the program is already running: start with operation 7. If you are not acquiring, close the run control window.
Lists of problems and possible solutions:
1) One or more ROC light on the GUFI panel turns red after clicking it
a) Check in the CAEN GECO if the channel GEMROC0, GEMROC1 and FCS are turned on. If they are off, power on and retry
b) Double click on the "FCS config" icon. If everyhing it's ok you can press enter and close the window.
c) if they are already on, check the error on the "Selection" panel in the GUFI. If it is written "Address already in use", check if there is another terminal open with running. If so, close both terminals and restart by clicking on the GUFI panel
2) There are errors after fast configuration
a) Retry once by pushing the fast configuration button again.
b) if still there are errors, check whether AVDD e DVDD channels in CAEN GECO are powered on. If they are off, power both on and retry.
c) if still there are errors, check the currents on the FEBs in the "Version and status" tab. The currents must be diffent from zero. If they are all zero, try pressing the FEB power on button again and try to perform the fast configuration successfully. if this does not work, or there is still a FEB with zero currents, reach a TIGER expert and prepare to request an access
3) I forgot to check the "use equalized thr" marker.
a) Check the marker and press "fast configuration" again.
4) There are errors in the Communication status in one or more GEMROCs
a) If there are errors, press the "Synch reset to all" button in Selection tab, then "Write configuration", then again "Synch reset to all" again. Then check. If there are still errors, call expert.
5) I forgot to open a new run folder in the Run control tab
a) Stop the acquisition as soon as possible, report it to both the online and in the physical logbook by adding a note on how many events have been collected in the wrong run directory. Then, open a new run folder and start again by putting the pause and restarting the run.
6) I forgot to put the pause before starting the acquisition
a) Usually this will not cause a problematic event. if the GEMROCs light does turn red, stop the run and restart.
7) I put the pause during a spill.
a) Usually, this will not cause a problematic event. Wait for the spill to be over and pause again.
8) One or more GEMROCs light becomes red in the Run Control window
a) Check on the terminal if the corresponding GEMROCs are in timeout. A line printed "GEMROC * timeout" appears. Stop the acquisition, report the run as bad. Try pressing a synch reset, putting the pause again and restart.
b) if both the GEMROCs are in timeout, probably the trigger is not being received properly. Reach for an expert and prepare to request access
9) I forgot to press Stop Acquisition at the end of the run
a) this is not an issue. Stop the acquisition and prepare for the new run
10) One or more histograms are not filled properly.
a) Wait for additional few minutes and try to plot again. Decoding and analysing the events require some time and the process may be not completed yet.
a) if you wait and see that few histograms are bad, report in the logbook the run as "BAD" and reach for an expert
How to change the threshold:
We are planning to change the threshold at some point. At present time, we have few different threshold equalization.
- To change the threshold, open the "Advanced threshold options" tab and click the button "Load threshold from folder". This will open a window where it is possible to select the proper threshold.
- The threshold directory is found in "conf" directory, with the name "thr". Inside there are the directories, one per threshold equalization. Open the chosen directory and load.
- After that, open the "Operations" tab and click on "Write Configuration": this will write the new threshold in the chip configuration.
- Remember to set the pause after before starting the run. Now it is possible to start the run.
Emergency restart:
In few major cases it may be needed to restart the GEMROCs systems and the fanout. This has to be done if the GEMROCs go Timeout
- Power off the FEB.
- Close all GUFI windows and terminal.
- Stop the GUFI online monitor in desktop 2
- Power off the GEMROC0, GEMROC1, FCS channel in CAEN GECO
- Wait for the "canonical" 10 seconds
- Power on the GEMROC0, GEMROC1, FCS channel in CAEN GECO
- Start the GUFI online monitor in desktop 2
- Click on the fanout icon (nearby GUFI icon). A terminal will open and you will be asked to press enter. Press it. The window will close. This restart the fanout clock generation
- Click on the GUFI icon
- Select the GEMROCs (ROC0 and ROC1) as in the standard procedure
- Power on the FEB
- Check the "use equalized thr" mark
- Press "Fast configuration" button
- In the Operations, press once "TCAM reset to all"
- It is possible to follow the standard procedure - point 6.
Old Procedure to launch a simple trigger match acquisition with triggers from cosmic rays.
- From the GUFI folder, launch "py"
- Select, clicking on the icon, the GEMROC to acquire
- Turn on the FEBs with the button
- If you are not sure that the PMT are in off state, open the run controller and click on "PMT-OFF"
- Click on "enable double threshold) if you want to use this feature
- Click "fast configuration" , this will:
- Set all the channels in trigger mode 0 (ready to acquire)
- Set the threshold on the T-branch at 3 sigmas and on the E-branch at 2 sigmas (there is no difference if you are using both of them or not).
- Disable the channel which are too noisy
- Set the channel 20 in all the TIGERs to receive digital test pulses
- Set the GEMROCs for the trigger-matched acquisition and put the in pause waiting for the first trigger
- Open the run controller window
- Turn on the PMT, wait some seconds and start the acquisition (if some GEMROCs go time-out, maybe you didn't wait enough)
The acquisition will run for the set time (if you set triggerless mode, it will be in second, otherwise in minutes, can be less than one)
If you set the "restart" thick, the acquisition will restart if one ore more GEMROC goes timeout of when the time finish.