Data Analysis
Data creation:[edit | edit source]
Data are created by Alberto's software -> GUFI with the following format:
- A folder labelled "RUN_$runNumber"
- Inside there are three kind of file: logbook of the run, logbook of the acquisition and a file for each enabled ROC
The data are saved on the acquisition computer. For each folder in /home/cgemlab2/data then a copy is created on srv-lab. In srv-lab the data are stored in /home/ihep_data/data
In the data folder there are several sub-folders for each step:
- raw_dat -> output from ROC
- raw_root -> decoded data in two steps: event.root and ana.root
A diagram that shows the data-flow of the code: File:Schema a blocchi GRATE.pdf
The reconstruction of the run can be performed using the following command on srv-lab from everywhere:
Data analysis:[edit | edit source]
The data are threated in two step:
1) "TIGER Event Reconstruction" that convert the data collected by each ROC to a root file
The code can be run from srv-lab using the command "TER", here some examples:
[ihep_data@srv-lab ~]$ TER -h
-w to execute echo "hello world"
-h help (this output)
-F RUN SUBRUN ROC Decoding one ROC -> run
-D RUN SUBRUN Decoding all ROCs -> run
-V RUN SUBRUN Merge thr decoded files
-A RUN SUBRUN Calibration -> run ana.C
-E RUN SUBRUN Create event -> run event.C
-P RUN SUBRUN RUN ana event
-M make clean all
-m make
-f RUN SUBRUN ROC open the decoded root file for the run and subrun and roc given
-d RUN SUBRUN open the decoded root file for the run and subrun given
-a RUN SUBRUN open the ana root file for the run and subrun given
-e RUN SUBRUN open the event root file for the run and subrun given
-p RUN SUBRUN open the post_event root file for the run and subrun given
-g RUN open the merged event root file for the run
-C RUN copy the run into thr GRAAL folder
-Q RUN SUBRUN data quality analysis and plot
For example if someone want to COMPILE the code, DECODE a sub run 0 of roc 3 and look a the file, then he can use a unique command from everywhere:
TER -mDf 131 0 3
2) GRAAL to digitize and clusterize the hit from each channel/strip and then performe the tracking
[ihep_data@srv-lab ~]$ graal -h
-e to execute echo "hello world"
-h help (this output)
-R recSelector
-E evtSelector
-A anaSelector
-a recSelector, evtSelector and anaSelector
-M make clean all
-m make
-G get the run from the repository
-r open the root file
-o open the rec root file
-O open the evt root file
-D download the latest version of GRAAL
-C check if the run is in the collection
-c capSelector
-w open the raw root file
TIGER Event Reconstruction[edit | edit source]
The creation of the root file follow several steps:
- [Script in python] Deconding the data from the ROC and it extract the variables into a root file: ecoarse, efine, tcoarse, tfine, strip ID, chip ID, FEB ID, ROC ID, frameword
- Unify the root files from each ROC
- Calibrate charge and time as a function of the FEB/channel
- Sort the entries as a function of the time, measure the trigger time and create the event
- Refer the hit time to the TP time
See at the following link the data format of the data: Data Format TER
See the diagram block of the decode : File:Mappa concettuale decode.pdf
See the diagram block of the ana.C : File:Schema a blocchi ana.pdf
See the diagram block of the event.C : File:Schema a blocchi event.pdf
See the diagram block of the post_event.C: File:Schema a blocchi post event.pdf --> NOT USED ANYMORE
GRAAL[edit | edit source]
The reconstruction and the analysis in GRAAL is divided in three steps:
- [$graal/src/rec] Prenalysis on the hits and clusterization
- [$graal/src/evt] Tracking and good cluster selection
- [$graal/src/ana] Generation of the PDF with the informations of charge, time and occupancy as a function of the FEB
Data format is defined here: Data Format GRAAL
See the diagram block of GRAAL: File:Block diag.png