Data decode TODO

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Revision as of 10:02, 29 May 2019 by A.Bortone (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Thinks to add or correct in the decode/analysis scripts: # Keep all the chip raw data in the next steps of the decode, possibly keeping the same name (in particular the Efine...")
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Thinks to add or correct in the decode/analysis scripts:

  1. Keep all the chip raw data in the next steps of the decode, possibly keeping the same name (in particular the Efine value)
  2. Check for the presence of all the UDP packets for each GEMROC during decode in TM (check L1_count)
  3. Make the first steps of the script (decode and ana) easily executable for the acquisition scripts
  4. Consequently point 3, plot some reference values after a short test acquisition to confirm the system status.