RUN: 125 SUBRUN: 0 ./bin/event 125 0 Number of entries: 537925 TIGER chip 0 efficiency: 0.952722 and time efficiency: 0.915436 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.952722 TIGER chip 1 efficiency: 0.968382 and time efficiency: 0.799553 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.965101 TIGER chip 2 efficiency: 0.978971 and time efficiency: 0.94094 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.978971 TIGER chip 3 efficiency: 0.947353 and time efficiency: 0.909918 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.947353 TIGER chip 4 efficiency: 0.943475 and time efficiency: 0.906189 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.943475 TIGER chip 5 efficiency: 0 and time efficiency: 0 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0 TIGER chip 6 efficiency: 0.0292319 and time efficiency: 0.026845 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.0275913 TIGER chip 7 efficiency: 0.933632 and time efficiency: 0.012975 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.909918 TIGER chip 8 efficiency: 0.979567 and time efficiency: 0.959433 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.97956715 TIGER chip 9 efficiency: 0.944221 and time efficiency: 0.924087 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.944221 TIGER chip 10 efficiency: 0.949292 and time efficiency: 0.929157 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.949292 TIGER chip 11 efficiency: 0.973005 and time efficiency: 0.952871 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.973005 TIGER chip 12 efficiency: 0.951976 and time efficiency: 0.931842 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.951976 TIGER chip 13 efficiency: 0.975391 and time efficiency: 0.955257 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.975391 TIGER chip 14 efficiency: 0.945116 and time efficiency: 0.92513 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.944817 TIGER chip 15 efficiency: 0 and time efficiency: 0 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0 TIGER chip 16 efficiency: 0.964355 and time efficiency: 0.963609 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.964057 TIGER chip 17 efficiency: 0.707383 and time efficiency: 0.705593 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.705891 TIGER chip 18 efficiency: 0.976435 and time efficiency: 0.975988 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.976435 TIGER chip 19 efficiency: 0.945414 and time efficiency: 0.945265 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.945414 TIGER chip 20 efficiency: 0.962864 and time efficiency: 0.962714 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.962864 TIGER chip 21 efficiency: 0.959881 and time efficiency: 0.959433 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.959881 TIGER chip 22 efficiency: 0.948993 and time efficiency: 0.948844 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.948993 TIGER chip 23 efficiency: 0.973453 and time efficiency: 0.973005 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.973453 TIGER chip 24 efficiency: 0.983445 and time efficiency: 0.958837 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.983147 TIGER chip 25 efficiency: 0.941387 and time efficiency: 0.918419 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.941387 TIGER chip 26 efficiency: 0.982849 and time efficiency: 0.958538 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.982849 TIGER chip 27 efficiency: 0.939896 and time efficiency: 0.916779 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.939896 TIGER chip 28 efficiency: 0.954959 and time efficiency: 0.931544 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.954959 TIGER chip 29 efficiency: 0.966592 and time efficiency: 0.942878 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.966592 TIGER chip 30 efficiency: 0.953617 and time efficiency: 0.92513 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.953617 TIGER chip 31 efficiency: 0.966145 and time efficiency: 0.049515 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.965996 TIGER chip 32 efficiency: 0.973453 and time efficiency: 0.949441 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.973453 TIGER chip 33 efficiency: 0.947054 and time efficiency: 0.924385 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.947054 TIGER chip 34 efficiency: 0.940343 and time efficiency: 0.917972 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.940343 TIGER chip 35 efficiency: 0.980761 and time efficiency: 0.956301 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.980761 TIGER chip 36 efficiency: 0.939299 and time efficiency: 0.916928 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.939299 TIGER chip 37 efficiency: 0.972856 and time efficiency: 0.9305 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.972856 TIGER chip 38 efficiency: 0.951976 and time efficiency: 0.928412 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.951976 TIGER chip 39 efficiency: 0.945861 and time efficiency: 0.835645 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.945861 TIGER chip 40 efficiency: 0.947353 and time efficiency: 0.865324 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.947353 TIGER chip 41 efficiency: 0.975093 and time efficiency: 0.891573 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.975093 TIGER chip 42 efficiency: 0.971812 and time efficiency: 0.888292 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.971812 TIGER chip 43 efficiency: 0.948248 and time efficiency: 0.866219 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.948248 TIGER chip 44 efficiency: 0.978673 and time efficiency: 0.894705 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.978374 TIGER chip 45 efficiency: 0.948993 and time efficiency: 0.867114 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.948993 TIGER chip 46 efficiency: 0.940194 and time efficiency: 0.858762 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.940194 TIGER chip 47 efficiency: 0.981805 and time efficiency: 0.89396 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.981357 TIGER chip 48 efficiency: 0.940045 and time efficiency: 0.85399 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.939896 TIGER chip 49 efficiency: 0.981059 and time efficiency: 0.891275 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.981059 TIGER chip 50 efficiency: 0.942729 and time efficiency: 0.856525 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.94258 TIGER chip 51 efficiency: 0.978822 and time efficiency: 0.889187 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.978822 TIGER chip 52 efficiency: 0.966443 and time efficiency: 0.877852 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.966443 TIGER chip 53 efficiency: 0.951529 and time efficiency: 0.803281 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.95138 TIGER chip 54 efficiency: 0.96346 and time efficiency: 0.875317 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.963311 TIGER chip 55 efficiency: 0.957196 and time efficiency: 0.113945 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.957196 TIGER chip 56 efficiency: 0.949441 and time efficiency: 0.931991 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.949441 TIGER chip 57 efficiency: 0.974348 and time efficiency: 0.956301 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.974348 TIGER chip 58 efficiency: 0.971812 and time efficiency: 0.953915 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.971812 TIGER chip 59 efficiency: 0.9478 and time efficiency: 0.93035 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.9478 TIGER chip 60 efficiency: 0.983743 and time efficiency: 0.96525 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.983594 TIGER chip 61 efficiency: 0.941834 and time efficiency: 0.924534 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.941834 TIGER chip 62 efficiency: 0.940045 and time efficiency: 0.922744 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.940045 TIGER chip 63 efficiency: 0.979717 and time efficiency: 0.960477 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.979717 TIGER chip 64 efficiency: 0.974198 and time efficiency: 0.887099 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.974198 TIGER chip 65 efficiency: 0.948695 and time efficiency: 0.863535 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.948695 TIGER chip 66 efficiency: 0.974795 and time efficiency: 0.887696 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.974795 TIGER chip 67 efficiency: 0.95138 and time efficiency: 0.866219 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.95138 TIGER chip 68 efficiency: 0.975988 and time efficiency: 0.888889 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.975988 TIGER chip 69 efficiency: 0.940492 and time efficiency: 0.85563 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.940492 TIGER chip 70 efficiency: 0 and time efficiency: 0 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0 TIGER chip 71 efficiency: 0.950783 and time efficiency: 0.061745 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.871439 TIGER chip 72 efficiency: 0.979717 and time efficiency: 0.945712 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.979717 TIGER chip 73 efficiency: 0.942878 and time efficiency: 0.909321 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.942878 TIGER chip 74 efficiency: 0.971663 and time efficiency: 0.937808 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.971663 TIGER chip 75 efficiency: 0.943475 and time efficiency: 0.909918 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.943475 TIGER chip 76 efficiency: 0.945861 and time efficiency: 0.912155 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.945861 TIGER chip 77 efficiency: 0.971066 and time efficiency: 0.937211 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.971066 TIGER chip 78 efficiency: 0.951827 and time efficiency: 0.918121 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.951827 TIGER chip 79 efficiency: 0.97569 and time efficiency: 0.941834 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.97569 TIGER chip 80 efficiency: 0.948397 and time efficiency: 0.946458 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.948397 TIGER chip 81 efficiency: 0.971216 and time efficiency: 0.969426 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.971216 TIGER chip 82 efficiency: 0.0129754 and time efficiency: 0 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0 TIGER chip 83 efficiency: 0.0131245 and time efficiency: 0 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0 TIGER chip 84 efficiency: 0.970022 and time efficiency: 0.968233 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.970022 TIGER chip 85 efficiency: 0.945563 and time efficiency: 0.943624 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.945563 TIGER chip 86 efficiency: 0 and time efficiency: 0 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0 TIGER chip 87 efficiency: 0.0253542 and time efficiency: 0 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0