RUN: 139 SUBRUN: 0 ./bin/event 139 0 Number of entries: 50040 TIGER chip 0 efficiency: 0.964286 and time efficiency: 0.921429 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.964286 TIGER chip 1 efficiency: 0.957143 and time efficiency: 0.741071 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.951786 TIGER chip 2 efficiency: 0.873214 and time efficiency: 0.832143 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.873214 TIGER chip 3 efficiency: 0.0821429 and time efficiency: 0.080357 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.0821429 TIGER chip 4 efficiency: 0.935714 and time efficiency: 0.896429 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.935714 TIGER chip 5 efficiency: 0 and time efficiency: 0 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0 TIGER chip 6 efficiency: 0.944643 and time efficiency: 0.901786 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.944643 TIGER chip 7 efficiency: 0.957143 and time efficiency: 0.017851 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.932143 TIGER chip 8 efficiency: 0.960714 and time efficiency: 0.932143 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.960714 TIGER chip 9 efficiency: 0.939286 and time efficiency: 0.908929 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.939286 TIGER chip 10 efficiency: 0.935714 and time efficiency: 0.907143 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.935714 TIGER chip 11 efficiency: 0.939286 and time efficiency: 0.908929 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.939286 TIGER chip 12 efficiency: 0.95 and time efficiency: 0.919643 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.95 TIGER chip 13 efficiency: 0.953571 and time efficiency: 0.923214 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.951786 TIGER chip 14 efficiency: 0.951786 and time efficiency: 0.921429 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.951786 TIGER chip 15 efficiency: 0 and time efficiency: 0 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0 TIGER chip 16 efficiency: 0.958929 and time efficiency: 0.958929 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.958929 TIGER chip 17 efficiency: 0.669643 and time efficiency: 0.666071 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.666071 TIGER chip 18 efficiency: 0.951786 and time efficiency: 0.951786 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.951786 TIGER chip 19 efficiency: 0.944643 and time efficiency: 0.944643 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.944643 TIGER chip 20 efficiency: 0.955357 and time efficiency: 0.955357 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.955357 TIGER chip 21 efficiency: 0.953571 and time efficiency: 0.953571 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.953571 TIGER chip 22 efficiency: 0.939286 and time efficiency: 0.939286 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.939286 TIGER chip 23 efficiency: 0.953571 and time efficiency: 0.953571 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.953571 TIGER chip 24 efficiency: 0.951786 and time efficiency: 0.928571 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.951786 TIGER chip 25 efficiency: 0.948214 and time efficiency: 0.923214 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.948214 TIGER chip 26 efficiency: 0.942857 and time efficiency: 0.919643 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.942857 TIGER chip 27 efficiency: 0.955357 and time efficiency: 0.930357 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.955357 TIGER chip 28 efficiency: 0.939286 and time efficiency: 0.916071 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.939286 TIGER chip 29 efficiency: 0.958929 and time efficiency: 0.935714 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.958929 TIGER chip 30 efficiency: 0.939286 and time efficiency: 0.914286 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.939286 TIGER chip 31 efficiency: 0.960714 and time efficiency: 0.044642 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.960714 TIGER chip 32 efficiency: 0.958929 and time efficiency: 0.942857 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.958929 TIGER chip 33 efficiency: 0.946429 and time efficiency: 0.930357 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.946429 TIGER chip 34 efficiency: 0.939286 and time efficiency: 0.925 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.939286 TIGER chip 35 efficiency: 0.955357 and time efficiency: 0.9375 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.955357 TIGER chip 36 efficiency: 0.948214 and time efficiency: 0.932143 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.948214 TIGER chip 37 efficiency: 0.944643 and time efficiency: 0.9125 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.944643 TIGER chip 38 efficiency: 0.946429 and time efficiency: 0.930357 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.946429 TIGER chip 39 efficiency: 0.907143 and time efficiency: 0.807143 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.907143 TIGER chip 40 efficiency: 0.939286 and time efficiency: 0.876786 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.939286 TIGER chip 41 efficiency: 0.955357 and time efficiency: 0.891071 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.955357 TIGER chip 42 efficiency: 0.95 and time efficiency: 0.885714 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.95 TIGER chip 43 efficiency: 0.953571 and time efficiency: 0.889286 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.953571 TIGER chip 44 efficiency: 0.191071 and time efficiency: 0.021428 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.0214286 TIGER chip 45 efficiency: 0.189286 and time efficiency: 0.021428 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.0214286 TIGER chip 46 efficiency: 0.946429 and time efficiency: 0.885714 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.946429 TIGER chip 47 efficiency: 0.958929 and time efficiency: 0.891071 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.958929 TIGER chip 48 efficiency: 0.942857 and time efficiency: 0.858929 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.942857 TIGER chip 49 efficiency: 0.957143 and time efficiency: 0.876786 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.957143 TIGER chip 50 efficiency: 0.957143 and time efficiency: 0.875 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.957143 TIGER chip 51 efficiency: 0.944643 and time efficiency: 0.8625 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.944643 TIGER chip 52 efficiency: 0.948214 and time efficiency: 0.864286 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.948214 TIGER chip 53 efficiency: 0.942857 and time efficiency: 0.803571 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.942857 TIGER chip 54 efficiency: 0.951786 and time efficiency: 0.869643 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.951786 TIGER chip 55 efficiency: 0.946429 and time efficiency: 0.105357 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.946429 TIGER chip 56 efficiency: 0.423214 and time efficiency: 0.419643 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.423214 TIGER chip 57 efficiency: 0.426786 and time efficiency: 0.423214 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.426786 TIGER chip 58 efficiency: 0.955357 and time efficiency: 0.948214 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.955357 TIGER chip 59 efficiency: 0.951786 and time efficiency: 0.944643 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.951786 TIGER chip 60 efficiency: 0.9625 and time efficiency: 0.953571 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.960714 TIGER chip 61 efficiency: 0.960714 and time efficiency: 0.953571 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.960714 TIGER chip 62 efficiency: 0.958929 and time efficiency: 0.951786 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.958929 TIGER chip 63 efficiency: 0.944643 and time efficiency: 0.930357 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.944643 TIGER chip 64 efficiency: 0.9375 and time efficiency: 0.869643 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.9375 TIGER chip 65 efficiency: 0.941071 and time efficiency: 0.873214 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.941071 TIGER chip 66 efficiency: 0.953571 and time efficiency: 0.882143 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.953571 TIGER chip 67 efficiency: 0.944643 and time efficiency: 0.875 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.944643 TIGER chip 68 efficiency: 0.946429 and time efficiency: 0.178571 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.1875 TIGER chip 69 efficiency: 0.933929 and time efficiency: 0.175 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.183929 TIGER chip 70 efficiency: 0 and time efficiency: 0 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0 TIGER chip 71 efficiency: 0.946429 and time efficiency: 0.0125 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.166071 TIGER chip 72 efficiency: 0.946429 and time efficiency: 0.9125 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.946429 TIGER chip 73 efficiency: 0.951786 and time efficiency: 0.917857 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.951786 TIGER chip 74 efficiency: 0.955357 and time efficiency: 0.921429 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.955357 TIGER chip 75 efficiency: 0.942857 and time efficiency: 0.9125 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.942857 TIGER chip 76 efficiency: 0.944643 and time efficiency: 0.9125 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.944643 TIGER chip 77 efficiency: 0.939286 and time efficiency: 0.905357 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.939286 TIGER chip 78 efficiency: 0.957143 and time efficiency: 0.925 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.957143 TIGER chip 79 efficiency: 0.948214 and time efficiency: 0.914286 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.948214 TIGER chip 80 efficiency: 0.951786 and time efficiency: 0.948214 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.951786 TIGER chip 81 efficiency: 0.942857 and time efficiency: 0.939286 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.942857 TIGER chip 82 efficiency: 0 and time efficiency: 0 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0 TIGER chip 83 efficiency: 0 and time efficiency: 0 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0 TIGER chip 84 efficiency: 0.951786 and time efficiency: 0.948214 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.951786 TIGER chip 85 efficiency: 0.933929 and time efficiency: 0.932143 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0.933929 TIGER chip 86 efficiency: 0 and time efficiency: 0 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0 TIGER chip 87 efficiency: 0 and time efficiency: 0 and time efficiency +- 1 clock: 0